Have you heard of Mr. Santa Singh applying to a medical school to become a doctor
Needless to say he never made it. You know why?
These are the answers he wrote in his entrance exam.
Antibody - Against everyone
Artery - The study of the paintings.
Bacteria - Back door to a cafeteria.
Caesarean section - A district in Rome.
Cardiology - Advance study of poker playing.
Cat scan - Searching for lost kitty.
Chronic - Neck of a crow.
coma - Punctuation mark.
Cortisone - Area around local court.
cyst - Short for sister.
Diagnosis - Person with slanted nose.
Dilate - The late British Princess Diana.
Dislocation - In this place.
Duodenum - Couple in blue jeans.
Enema - Not a friend.
Fake labour - Pretending to work.
Genes - Blue denim.
Hernia - She is close by.
Impotent - Distinguished/well known.
Labor pain - Hurt at work.
Lactose - People without toes.
Lymph - Walk unsteadily.
Microbes - Small dressing gown.
Obesity - City of Obe.
Pacemaker - Winner of Nobel peace prize.
Proteins - In favor of teens
Pulse - Grain.
Pus - Small cat.
Red blood count - Dracula.
Secretion - Hiding anything.
Tablet - Small table.
Ultrasound - Radical noise
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